Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Megan and Brad--e-session

Oh my...this will be a fun wedding! Megan and Brad are so sweet...Brad can be a bit mischievous. :-) These two seem to have so much fun!

These two arrived for their e-session as my brother also arrived to dig some big holes in my front yard for my new trees that are to be planted this week. They got to see us squabble over the placement of those trees, but they were patient with me! Thanks for that, Megan and Brad!

I love doing these e-sessions. This was was in full sun, which made me hunt out that beautiful filtered light. We found some great places. The waterfall area was gorgeous with autumn leaves just everywhere. Megan was willing to jump from area to area in those pretty heels she was wearing. Brave! Brad was there for her to assist. They are such a great couple and did not take much prompting to relax and talk and kiss while I just took the pictures and moved them form location to location.

I hope you like these!

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